Sunday, December 1, 1996

New kitchen

January 12, 1996.

Coordinated Kitchen & Bath
123 East 1st Street
North Vancouver
V7L 1B2
Attn: Michael Phillips

Dear Michael,

Mrs. Rankin and I want to say how completely satisfied we are with the kitchen renovation work recently completed. The advise given by both you and Paula regarding cabinet style, tile selection, paint colour and overall design was excellent.

In particular I want to compliment you on the professional way the project was handled. We find our new kitchen a delight - it is both efficient to work and pleasant to spend time in.

I am enclosing 3 pictures showing most of the work done but, should you wish to take others, come back anytime.


H.V. Rankin

Monday, April 1, 1996

Acknowledgement and thanks

May 1st 1996.

Michael & Paula Phillips
Coordinated Kitchen & Bath
North Vancouver

To say we are very delighted with our new kitchen would be a masterly understatement.
We have been most impressed by the totally professional manner in which the project was laid out, scheduled,(and maintained),the constant supervision, attention to detail and high standard of workmanship.

Mention must be made of your excellent trades people in particular Jack Kowalski and Samuel to whom to extend our thanks and acknowledgement for the late hours he worked in order to finish the project on time.

Our grateful thanks,


Major.D.Barthel MBE MID MCIT.